Wednesday, August 09, 2006

British MP's Call for Crisis Debate

[British MP's are considering recalling Parliament from they holidays to debate the conflict in Lebanon. Given the gravity of the conflict it is hardly surprising that they call has been made with hundreds of civilians dying. It simply reinforces the reality that Fluffy the Poodle (Blair) could not care less about Lebanon as he sits on holiday with his family is safety.]

(Sky News) - Pressure is growing for a recall of Parliament as the fighting in Lebanon between Israel and Hizbullah intensifies. Up to 100 MPs - most of them Labour - are expected to deliver a letter urging a full debate within the next 48 hours. The organisers are understood to have been in discussion with the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party. Former Europe minister Denis MacShane added his public backing to the calls.

He said: "MPs cannot wait until October to hear from the Prime Minister a full account of the crisis and to express the concern of our constituents. "Hundreds of innocent Lebanese and Israelis have been killed by rockets and bombs fired by both sides. "We need more jaw jaw and less war war."

Downing Street would not comment in advance of the letter, which is being sent to Commons Leader Jack Straw. The final decision on a recall will rest with Speaker Michael Martin.


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