For Israel's Security: Zainab Fawqi-Sleem and the Question of Lebanon
On October 31st, 1948, in one of the few massacres of the Nakba to occur inside Lebanon, proto-Israeli militas seized the town of Houla, setting off bombs and burning down several houses. They took eighty-five people captive, and summarily executed eighty-two of the them. There's a memorial to the massacre in the center of town, not far from homes smashed flat by this current war.
According to news reports, Israel bombed and shelled Houla on at least ten separate occasions during this last war. Israeli soldiers repeatedly invaded the town and occupied people's homes. They remain, in one home, in one corner of the village, to this day. If I had run across those soldiers, I wonder what I could have said to them? What might they have said to me?
According to news reports, Israel bombed and shelled Houla on at least ten separate occasions during this last war. Israeli soldiers repeatedly invaded the town and occupied people's homes. They remain, in one home, in one corner of the village, to this day. If I had run across those soldiers, I wonder what I could have said to them? What might they have said to me?
"For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess functioning towns or secure homes."
"For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess secure access to potable water."
"For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess electricity."
"For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess beaches."
"For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess open borders, or engage in free trade with the world."
"For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess modern roads."
"For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess privacy."
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